Mother Nature is changing so quickly and we are along for the ride. We are shifting ever so gently as we begin our day in snow gear and enjoy moments of spring peeking just around the corner.

We spend our March mornings exploring our ravine, finding all sorts of interesting things like Turkey Tail mushrooms, moss, and lichen. On the full Worm Moon we painted a beautiful piece of art using fallen pine needle branches. In the afternoons more adventures in the ravine had the kiddos climbing and exploring everything. We talked about how bugs sometimes create homes inside the bark of fallen branches and noticed the soft mossy patches. This week we were all very excited to notice the many signs of spring like the first white snowdrop flowers and the sounds of the Sandhill Cranes. We even saw our friend the orange-bellied Robin jumping around from tree to tree.

Our chickens are also sensing how close spring is by calling for the kiddos to let them out most of the day. The moment the littles arrive, The Garden Girls seem to know it's time to run around. They will join the kiddos playing red light green light or scratching for new growth, awakening buggies, and worms who are beginning to surface from the earth.
Our Earth also serves as an excellent space for some clever track building for racing trucks, balancing feet, and even bike riding. The magnificent minds of kiddos working together create some of the most amazing ideas. Our pallet fort became a boat after a bit of chalk and some interior design. They are constantly weighing out the possibilities and problem-solving a situation. These kiddos care for each other like family; besties. We are nurturing kind, compassionate, creative, and clever kiddos here at Homestead School.
We are approaching a year of Homestead School here on this land. What beautiful timing for change, growth, and support to continue offering this outside childcare and education.
As the seasons change and the Homestead progresses, the Homestead School continues to grow and develop. Installing the exterior door and stairs on the south side of the garage just before the snow, was one of the best changes so far. Our open garage, covered driveway, and front yard served us well last year. Now it is officially time for us to shift most of our curriculum to the sideyard and ravine. Homestead School is an outside nature school. This shift will align better with our core values in many ways; surrounding us with more nature instead of concrete, ensuring the safety of children near the roads, and utilizing the privacy fence, offering more privacy during activities and summer fun.

We have some exciting homestead amendments on the horizon that will also align nicely with this shift. We will be moving the back fence further into the ravine. The tent will move before summer. Both of these things will offer more room in the permaculture area of the homestead. The plan of a screened-in deck/patio off the playroom is in the works and we are planning a fundraiser for this and other exciting changes soon. Stay tuned.
We are approaching a year of Homestead School here on this land. What beautiful timing for change, growth, and support to continue offering this outside childcare and education. Wildschooling. A parenting and homeschooling method that so beautifully aligns with much of who we are here at Homestead School and who I am as a human. Rejoining and realigning with the natural world around us. Yes, please! The dream I have for each and every one of us starts with our Free Range Children.
Written by Sarah E. MacLean, Founder & Caregiver
What a lovely way to shift into spring. Have fun Free Range Kiddos.