Free-Range Kids
Supporting Each Other
We commit to open communication, listening to each other, problem solving, and remaining fluid as Nurturer By Nature continues to evolve, shift, and move through these times.
Nurturer By Nature Homestead School offers almost entirely outside childcare for Free Range Kids, supporting emotional, physical, and cognitive development by nurturing a positive relationship with the natural world around us. NBN facilitates activities and fosters child-led curiosities which help children retain information, encourages independence, and promotes social emotional development. By guiding children and teaching through play, exploration, and supported risk-taking; children develop confidence, resilience, and self-esteem through learner-inspired hands-on experiences in their natural settings.
Tel: (269) 806-4096

Location & Daily Schedule
Location - Nurturer By Nature Homestead (Kalamazoo, Michigan)
Oakwood Neighborhood
Wooded Homestead
Garage playroom
Canvas Bell Tent
Pool Sand Circle
Inside home during inclement weather if necessary; secured from dogs.
Fairy Garden on Springmont Ave.
Tot lot on Springmont Ave.
Daily Schedule​
8:30-9:00 Outside drop off
9:00-10:00 Outdoor free play, activities, chicken care
10:00-10:20 Potty, diaper check, wash hands
10:20 -10:40 Outside snack
10:40-11:30 Outside free play, crafts, gardening
11:30-12:00 Outside movement (yoga, dance, park, hike)
12:00-12:20 Potty, diaper check, wash hands
12:20-12:40 Outside lunch
12:50-1:10 Stories, songs, snuggles, and Yoga
1:10-3:00 Rest time (nap, books)
3:00-3:20 Potty, diaper check, wash hands
3:20-3:40 Outside snack
3:40-4:30 Outside free play, compost
4:30-4:40 Potty, diaper check, wash hands
4:40-5:00 Pack up and pick up

Photography, Forms, & Communication
No photos of children will be shared on social media without the direct consent of the child’s parent.
Some photos of activities including hands or feet or portions of an experience may be shared on NBN social media as long as the identity of the child is not apparent.
A Google photo folder will be used to share photos of activities and special moments throughout the day.
Forms and Communication
Forms to be issued by NBN and completed by parents prior to the first day:
General Intake Form
Allergies and Prescriptions Form
A copy of Philosophies and Functions with all family signatures having been read and understood.
Weekly email recap.
Daily Communication is to be done via text directly to parents as needed and all other daily communication will be in the Google Folder.
Please subscribe to our website to receive a monthly blog sharing our adventures and updates here at Homestead School.

Holidays & Scheduled Closures
NBN Childcare will not be open on the following days.:
Major Holidays: Memorial Day, Juneteenth, Fourth of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, New Year’s Eve, New Year’s Day
When Kalamazoo Public Schools are closed due to inclement weather, (snow days or high heat index) NBN will be closed as well unless decided differently.
Tuition will not be refunded on these days if the holiday or closed weather day falls on a scheduled NBN day.
Twice a year, NBN will be closed for one week.
As a birth doula, the occasional birth could call Sarah away from a school day. If the birth lands on a school day, a substitute will be on call in most cases, and families should also arrange backup Childcare just in case. If a substitute is not available, a credit will be given the following month.

Hours & Tuition
Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday.
Full-Time 8:30 am to 5 pm, 3 days per week. Anything else is considered part-time.
$55/day for Full-Time
$60/day for Part-Time
$65/Drop-In Rate
A $5 daily discount is available for those families in need and those families with multiple children. Please ask for more information.
Payment is due by the 1st of each month for the scheduled days. A $50 incidental fee will be applied to tuition paid after the 5th of the month.
If a family indicates to NBN, before the first of the month, that their child will not be there on a regularly scheduled day, the family is not responsible for paying for those days. (ex: a full-time student off one day for a vacation will not pay for that school day and still pay the full-time rate for other days)
If a child cancels a previously scheduled day, no credit will apply to that child’s account. This includes cancellation for sickness.
If NBN is closed due to unforeseeable inclement weather, no credit will be applied to that child's account. (Loosely following Kalamazoo Public Schools procedures)